Series 2: Soldiers

Series 2 showcases photographs of soldiers, presumably in Europe. Many photos show them engaging in a number of shared activities.

Subseries 1: Leisure

Subseries 1 includes photographs of James and his comrade soldiers off duty, often reading, drinking, and conversing. Based on captioning on the backs of the photos as well as research, some of the soldiers in this subseries include Condry M. Livingston, William M. Kerfoot, Captain John Porter, Lieutenant James D. Clark, Erdman, Captain John M. Shaul, Sergeant Beers, Lieutenant Pontius, Major Jack D. DeMott, Corona, Dilallio, and Captain Hartsell.

The photographs were captioned specifying particular locations including: Ebensee, Austria; Seligenthal, Germany; Paulinzella, Germany; Eisenach, Germany; and Saalfeld, Germany.

There are watermarks on the backs of some of the photographs, indicating the type of paper the photos were printed on. In this series: Mimosa Sunotyp watermarks and Agfa-Brovira watermarks.

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Subseries 2: Sports & Recreation

Subseries 2 includes groups of soldiers playing baseball in a grassy field and swimming in a large pool. These were likely taken at an integrated training camp in Great Britain.

On the backs of some photographs, the Agfra-Brovira watermark is present.

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Subseries 3: Reid, Austria

Subseries 3 includes photographs of soldiers relaxing in what appears to be their bedrooms, personal quarters, and a field of wildflowers. The soldiers are often reading, smoking, and taking photographs. Although not all are specifically labeled, based on the surroundings, it is evident that they are taken in Reid, Austria during May and June of 1945.

Known individuals in the subseries are James Kuykendall, Lt. “George” Dzerison, and W.O. O’Brien. Includes Agfa-Lupex watermarks.

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Subseries 4: Group Photographs

Professional group photographs of soldiers in uniform produced by the National News and Photo Service, San Antonio, Texas.

James P. Kuykendall identified in photograph as the 10th person in from the right of the second row, seated. Caption in bottom right corner: “Goldbreck photo 11143248 H”. Visible arm patches: Technical sergeant insignia, U.S. Army; Staff sergeant insignia.,U.S. Army; Master sergeant insignia U.S. Army; First sergeant rank insignia U.S. Army; Technician 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade; Unknown patch – dark background, white flower (6 rounds), light star embroidered in center. Worn on left shoulder. Back of photograph signifies that it was produced by the National News and Photo Service, San Antonio, TX. Measurement unrolled: L: 34 6/16 inches W: 10 inches. Housed rolled in individual box.

James P. Kuykendall identified in photograph in the 4th row up, 4th person in from the left. Officer Cadet School patch worn on left shirt pocket (unsegregated). Back of photograph signifies that it was produced by the National News and Photo Service, San Antonio, TX. Measurement unrolled: L: 26 10/16 inches W: 10 inches. Housed rolled in individual box.